
Microducts system is designed mainly for the building of modular optical networks. It is a great solution for data networks of production companies, urban sprawls, developer projects, power industry, industrial and shopping areas.

Microduct – tubing systems

In principle, optical network routing can be built/done in two basic ways. One of them is placing cables or microducts directly into ground. The other way is blowing the microducts and optical cables into HDPE tube. It is possible to blow lighter profiles of minicables, microcables or fiber optic blowing units into the microduct system. 

Each system has its advantages and eligible use - we will help you choose and realize the most favourable use for each given situation.

Modularity of microducts

The main advantage comes at the time when it is necessary to realise a route change or increase the capacity of optical routing. In the case of microducts topology it is not necessary to dig again, pull down and replace cables in a difficult way. All that needs to be done is to connect correct microducts, create a new route and blow optical cable with required fibres. It is also possible to blow out or change original nonconforming cable or use empty microducts for alternative routing.

It the horizon of tens of years of expected data network usage such situation is to be expected and it is good to be prepared for it.

Installation of microducts

It is possible to install microducts designed as direct-buried into underbed. Their connection and routing is carried out by robust connectors also designed for direct laying into ground. The connection of microducts does not require any added secondary connection protection or time consuming work with protective elements of the cabling. It is possible to use smaller blowing units and compressor for installation of mini and micro cables. Smaller volume of material and installation equipment is being transported.

Microducts systems are also available for indoor or air-drop application in various possibilities. It is possible to combine all types very easily and therefore create any optical routes. Microducts system brings variability, easiness and effective assembly and the possibility of just-in-time installation of optical network.

Our know-how

At the time of its foundation in 2005, our company already had more than 10 years of experience in the field of microducts system applied in Europe, mainly in Netherlands, Germany and Austria. Therefore we are able to supply a complete solutions which really work long-term due to verified combination of components. Every piece of the puzzle is important - cable must move freely in the tube, connectors must hold and it must be easy to disassemble in tens of years, realization must be quick and effective. Also, qualified work is and will be very expensive and should be used for essential works only. 

These are the main parameters affecting the choice of our components. We do not try to be the cheapest, “cheap solutions” are overpaid by the customer number of times in the aim to create a usable network.

Therefore, a suitable choice of a complete solution before blindly following price parameters or potential rigid project documentation will bring you substantial savings in the future.

We Are Ready to Work

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Nerudova 945/36,
370 04 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
